Adieu, 2013

I'm excited for 2014.
I'm nervous, too.
But I'm excited. 
I love the fireworks on New Year's Eve.
I love seeing the ball drop on TV, in Times Square. Even though I am not American. :3

But mainly, I'm just plain excited. It's 2014. A new start to everything. 

As I sit here writing this blog post with sweaty armpits and sweatier palms- as a result of both my excitement and the sheer humidity of my room- the clock ticks. Another minute gone. Another moment gone. Another frustration gone, done and dusted. And soon, it'll only be 10 seconds left till 12. 


But it's a time for self reflection. And one of the best things of having a toilet, is the fact that you can sit on your toilet seat (with the cover down) and self reflect (Don't laugh. Toilets are very peaceful). So as I sat suffering from cramps as a result of over indulging on Thai Meat salad (SCREW YOU, Bangkok House Restaurant), I reminisced about 2013. Sooo many ups and downs. So many moments of happiness, so many memories. Fights, tears, failures, triumphs, bouts of frustration- yet each laced with a life lesson. People came, and people went. Relationships got tricky. Some people changed; some of us changed. We got hurt; we got up. We got temporarily run down by Life, but we all learnt

So I'm thankful to all what's happened. Had these things never have happened, I wouldn't have learnt, I wouldn't have experienced and neither would I have been this mature (I'm not mature. I still think like a 9-year old kid. But I'm more mature than I used to be xD ). I've also learnt, that you shouldn't ever keep a grudge against anyone. Just let it go- unless that person is denying you access to chocolate. Or dangling chocolate in front of you when you're not allowed to have it. That, is a crime. And there will be revenge. OH, BIG TIME REVENGE. MWAHAHAHAH-

But I digress. So coming back to topic, Avicii and Dan Tyminski (Yes, it ain't Aloe Blacc, people. Even I was surprised) sum up my feelings about 2014 perfectly- "Hey, brother, it's an endless road to rediscover".

Dan's a wise dude. SO. In 2014- be yourself; change yourself. Why? it's a fresh start. Live up to your own expectations; not what others have set for you. It's not an option, it's a command. Make life better for yourself, and don't be scared. In fact, I'm going to try acting upon Nike's slogan- Just Do it. What's 'it'? 'It' is anything. Anything at all. So here's to forgiving, and forgetting. Here's to no regretting, thanking, loving, laughing, living, and exploring. Here's to 2014; I hope you're amazing.  *confetti*

Happy New Year to everyone! Cheers xD


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