The Victoria's Secret Dilemma

If you look carefully- which no doubt you do- that nearly none of the Victoria Secret models have boobs. (I am not being perverted. It is simply my observation :3 )

What they do have- are push up bras, and a little demon called Photoshop.

Me? I like my non-size-2 body, thanks very much. And I prefer not to go around looking like a bag of bones too, thanks very much.


Allright, allriiiiight, I admit it- I used to get a little jealous flicking through magazines in bookshops, just dreaming about getting those tanned and toned, ripped figures just like those models.

But I quickly I stopped. Why? Because I realised- that HELL, I can EAT.  But them? They aren't allowed to lest they gain weight. Honestly, this is how I imagine a Victoria Secret Angel having an imaginary argument in her head:

Q. *flicks hair* EATING?? Like, oh my goddd, like seriously? 


From teenage girls to young women, so many women seem to be capitalising on the idea that 'thin is beautiful'. Nowadays, the idea of what 'true beauty' seems to be replaced by skimpily-clad models, provocative ads, liposuction, Botox, and so many other forms of plastic surgery. And much of it is the media's fault.

Or is it?
Because maybe, its ours- maybe there's something wrong with our heads; our mindsets, that allows these women to crawl under our skin and simply, lower our self-esteem. Why should we choose to conform to what the media has set, or what society wants us to be? Granted, media has such a vital role in our society and culture. We consume the media; we read it; we breathe it; we live it; we live through it. Plus, we follow stereotypes of the 'perfect/sexy' woman, that have existed since aaaages ago, since Wonderwoman swooped in with her corset and daisy dukes emblazoned with the US flag. (which by the way is one uncomfortable looking corset, I tell you. How d'ya breathe, WW?). But why the constant obsession to look like VS models?

Such is the power of branding that women sometimes struggle to distinguish the fact that these Angels are models for the brand- and not for the average woman. But apparently, a VS Angel must be 'perfect', hence the photoshop. IN WHAT FREAKING WAY?? In looking like a pile of skinny bones?! It's great to fit into your jeans, but why strive to be like others? There's nothing wrong with our bodies. As Susie O'Brien puts it, the Angels' "only talent is being skinnier and taller than the rest of us, and being able to execute 3-point turns while wearing 30cm stilettos and a bra made of 3000 crystals".

Good on you Susie. That's boosted my self esteem a bit. :3

Im not only referring to VS, but all this photo-manipulation in print-ads etc. has set a highly unrealistic standard of what the female body must look like- especially teenage girls, who seem to be buying this idea- hence the trend of thinspiration. Personally, without the airbrushing, Doutzen (above) looks fantastic, i.e. a real person with a proportionate, trim body. What I think is that in every society, young girls want to have a role model, i.e. someone who's admired and respected; they want to be that person. And when they see these VS Angels strutting their way down the runway, oozing sex appeal by being skimpily-clad, looking 'fit' and blowing smouldering kisses, they can't help their wishful thinking.

Bloody hell. Seriously? Alessandra Ambrosio, Adriana Lima, Lily Aldridge, if I were your mama, I would force-feed you hamburgers and god knows what other meat till you'd choke.
                                   "Oh noo she di'nt jus' say that". Oh yes I did, Adriana Lima. Oh yes I did. 

Looking healthy and confident, being healthy and confident, and most importantly- feeling healthy and confident, is what beauty really is. It comes from the inside, not just by airbrushing or having a 'six-pack'. Soooo, Miranda Kerr. I don't envy your pert butt, or your lack of love handles, or those ridiculously 'muscular' thighs of yours. Why?

a) Is it because they don't exist? Oh, silly me- of COURSE they don't. But your loyal friend Photoshop, sadly does.
b) Because without all the glitzy makeup and the fake tan, you look exhausted, and near anorexic. I prefer some meat on my own drumsticks, not just the drumsticks themselves, you know.

Now, food for thought- What if those VS Angels/models were replaced by curvier looking ladies, and of more diverse ethnicities? What is VS created more exposure to all body types, to portray a healthier body image? Would people still watch it? Would those Angels still be considered 'sexy'?

Until next time. Cheers! xD


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